How do I tie my image to my panel ?

Iain <>
Fri, 17 Apr 2009 00:10:17 -0700 (PDT)
Hi All

A very new newbie to Java so please be gentle with me.

I have some code that I have cobbled together from various sources on
the web (Thanks to all those whose source has helped me get this far).
I am attempting to write a small test application using MVC which will
open a small window and display an image as a background and then
allow me to move an object around using the keyboard..

I have the code below which opens a window in the middle of the
screen. However, I do not know how to attach the image (img) to the
panel (jpanel).

Can anyone please advise me.

Many thanks in advance for any help offered.



The relevent code.

        /* Variables required. */
        private Model model; // The Model to register with
                                       // receive updates from
        private Controller controller; // The controller for events
        private Canvas canvas; // The canvas to be drawn on

        Image img;

        public ViewGraphical(Model m)
          super("Test Application Using MVC");
          JPanel p = new JPanel();

            String filePath = "C:\\Documents and Settings..............
            img = File(filePath));
          catch (IOException e)
            String lerror = e.getMessage();

// this.setBackground(new Color(124, 100, 95));


          this.setSize(500, 500);

          // This will set the panel in the middle of the screen
          // First get the actual screen size
          Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit

          // Get the size and height of the frame object
          Dimension size = this.getSize();
          // assign the height and width of the screen as half of the
          screenSize.height = screenSize.height/2;
          screenSize.width = screenSize.width/2;
          // Assign the frame height and size as half of the current
          size.height = size.height/2;
          size.width = size.width/2;
          // Now set the co-ordinates of the frame
          int y = screenSize.height - size.height;
          int x = screenSize.width - size.width;
          // Set the location of the panel
          this.setLocation(x, y);

          // Make sure that the frame is on top

          model = m;
          model.addObserver(this); // Register this class with the
          controller = new Controller(model); // Make the Controller
the same Model

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