Re: Hashcode and Equal

RedGrittyBrick <RedGrittyBrick@spamweary.invalid>
Tue, 09 Mar 2010 10:34:01 +0000
On 09/03/2010 10:09, Javas wrote:

import java.util.*;
public class Qn353
         private String name;
         public Qn353(String name)
        = name;

         public boolean equals(Object o)
                 if ( ! (o instanceof Qn353) ) return false;
                 Qn353 p = (Qn353) o;
         public static void main(String [] args)
                 HashSet<Object> hs = new HashSet<Object>();

Where did p1 and p2 spring from? Does this compile? I'd expect the Java
compiler to be a bit puzzled about the nature of p1 and p2 at this point.

         public int hashcode()
                 return 1;


Above code outputs : 2

Some other code might but I don't see how this code can run.

But I thought it is supossed to be 1 since the hashcode is the same
for both the objects, equals also holds true and the set doesnt allow
duplicates. What is wrong? Please correct me.

Maybe you're assuming p1 and p2 are instances of Qn353 when they are not.


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