Re: 3 level inheritance heirarchy

Fri, 21 Dec 2007 08:44:17 -0800 (PST)
On Dec 21, 2:34 am, Sachin <> wrote:

On Dec 21, 2:05 pm, wrote:

I have trying to set up a three level inheritance heirarchy (see files
test.h/cpp below). When I compile this code using g++, I get the
following errors:

bash-3.00$ g++ test.cpp
test.cpp: In constructor `Lev2::Lev2(int, int, int)':
test.cpp:33: error: no matching function for call to `Lev0::Lev0(const
test.h:27: note: candidates are: Lev0::Lev0(const Lev0&)
test.cpp:6: note: Lev0::Lev0(int)

Can someone please explain whats going on and how I can fix this
problem. Please see code below. If I remove the classes ILev2 and Lev2
everything compiles fine. Thanks

//-------------------------- FILE: test.h --------------------------//

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

class ILev0
  virtual ~ILev0() {}
  virtual void PrintLev0() = 0;


class ILev1: public virtual ILev0
  virtual ~ILev1() {}
  virtual void PrintLev1() = 0;


class ILev2: public virtual ILev1
  virtual ~ILev2() {}
  virtual void PrintLev2() = 0;


class Lev0: public virtual ILev0
  Lev0(int nNum);
  virtual void PrintLev0();

  int m_nNum0;


class Lev1: public virtual Lev0, public virtual ILev1
  Lev1(int nNum0, int nNum1);
  virtual void PrintLev1();
  int m_nNum1;


class Lev2: public virtual Lev1, public virtual ILev2
  Lev2(int nNum0, int nNum1, int nNum2);
  virtual void PrintLev2();
  int m_nNum2;


//-------------------------- FILE: test.cpp ------------------------//
#include "test.h"


Lev0::Lev0(int nNum)


void Lev0::PrintLev0()
  std::cout << "Lev0 Num: " << m_nNum0 << std::endl;



Lev1::Lev1(int nNum0, int nNum1)


void Lev1::PrintLev1()
  std::cout << "Lev1 Num: " << m_nNum0 << ", " << m_nNum1 <<



Lev2::Lev2(int nNum0, int nNum1, int nNum2)
  :Lev1(nNum0, nNum1),


void Lev2::PrintLev2()
  std::cout << "Lev2 Num: " << m_nNum0 << ", " << m_nNum1 << ", " <<
m_nNum2 << std::endl;



  Lev0 *b = new Lev0(10);



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Call to Constructor of Lev0 class is missing in the Lev2 constructor.
Resolution is to either implement default constructor in Lev0 class or
make a call to Lev0 constructor in the constructor of Lev2 as follows:
Lev2::Lev2(int nNum0, int nNum1, int nNum2)
  :Lev1(nNum0, nNum1),Lev0(nNum0),


Lev2 constructor explicitly calls Lev1 constructor and Lev1
constructor explicitly calls Lev0 constructor so why do I need to add
a call to Lev0 constructor in Lev2 ?

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