Re: Alternative pattern for virtual template

GeeRay <a@a.a>
Wed, 06 May 2009 12:21:49 +0200
Michael Doubez ha scritto:

On 5 mai, 17:24, Noah Roberts <> wrote:

GeeRay wrote:

Hi all,
    I have this problem: I need to implement a class hierarchy where the
main class has a template method that will be inherited by the subclass.
Something like:

On of this approach is to use dynamic polymorphism, that is if you can
define a same contract on your type. As an example if your foo is only
displaying a message with the data in parameter, your contract if that
the type should support (ostream<<T), you define the interface:

struct foo_ostreamable
  virtual ostream& output(ostream&)const=0;

Then you define a templated foo_streambable implementation:

template<typename T>
struct foo_ostreamable_imp: foo_ostreamable
  T value;
  foo_ostreamable_imp(const T& t):value(t){}

  virtual ostream& output(ostream& os)const{return os<<value;}

And finally the parameter of SuperClass::foo with templated

struct foo_param
  template<typename T>
  foo_param(const T& t){data.reset(new foo_ostreamable_imp<T>(t));

  scoped_ptr<foo_ostreamable> data;

// foo_param can be written into ostream
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const foo_param& p)

And finally, you define your classes:
class SuperClass
        virtual void foo(const foo_param&) const = 0;

class SubClass: public SuperClass
        virtual void foo(const foo_param& p) const { cout << p <<
} ;

The compiler will automatically resolve with correct subtype:
SubClass s;;;"bar");

If you want to keep/compare foo_param values, there is some management
to do such as deep copy and others to put it into canonical form. If a
type doesn't react as you want, you overload foo_param constructor.

There is an overhead but that depends on what you want.


You're great!
Thank you very much, that's exactly what I was looking for.


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