Re: static_cast vs. reinterpret_cast

"Matthias Hofmann" <>
Wed, 10 Oct 2007 17:11:28 CST
"Alan McKenney" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag

On Sep 27, 12:46 pm, Kurt Stege <> wrote:

Alan McKenney wrote:

     Unfortunately, C++ considers "char" and "unsigned char"
     to be unrelated types as far as pointers to them go, so you can't
     do static_cast<const char *> on a "const unsigned char *"


     So far, I know of no alternative that doesn't copy the data

I am using in these cases static cast(s), however, it does
not make things really better:

static_cast<const char *>(static_cast<const void *>(...))

This gets rid of the reinterpret cast, and covers the undefined
behaviour a little bit ;-)

    There was a recent thread on this, and the general
    conclusion was that your double static_cast was no
    better than reinterpret_cast<> in terms
    how well-defined the behavior is.

I remember a thread on this issue some time ago where the general conclusion
was that according to the standard, it is well-defined to convert a pointer
to any type to a pointer to char using the following functions:

// Converts a pointer of any non-const
// type to a non-const char pointer.
inline char* char_ptr( void* p ) throw()
{ return static_cast<char*>( p ); }

// Converts a pointer of any constant
// type to a constant char pointer.
inline const char* char_ptr( const void* p ) throw()
{ return static_cast<const char*>( p ); }


int main()
    SomeObject* pobj = ...;
    const int* pint = ...;

    // Convert non-const pointer.
    char* p1 = char_ptr( pobj );

    // Convert const pointer.
    const char* p2 = char_ptr( pint );

    return 0;

Matthias Hofmann
Anvil-Soft, CEO - The Creators of Toilet Tycoon - Die Macher des Klomanagers

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