Re: Derived class reference supplied to class reference template argument

Alberto Ganesh Barbati <>
Tue, 12 Feb 2008 16:27:53 CST
Gabor Greif ha scritto:

I have trouble compiling following code
with various G++ versions (and comeau online too)


struct A
     static int foo(void)
             return 42;

struct B : A
} b;

template <A& a>
struct C : A
     static int foo(void)

int main (void)
     A& a(b); // OK
     return C<b>::foo(); // Fails


As far as I can see the standard does not
forbid passing b as a template parameter,
- b has external linkage
- b isa B -> b isa B& -> b isa A& (because of inheritance).

Can anybody explaing why this is illegal?

Because 14.3.2/5 says that "For a non-type template-parameter of type
reference to object, no conversions apply." So, despite intuitiveness,
the conversion from B& to A& is not applied. Notice that there's
actually no way to bind the template parameter to the base sub-object,
because explicit casts are forbidden according to 14.3.2/1 (except those
in integral constant expressions).



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