Re: Aggregation order call

mlimber <>
Wed, 23 Jul 2008 09:14:16 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 23, 11:19 am, sreeni <> wrote:

I have a similar class hierarchy

 class Base

Rename to "base" to make this compile.


virtual get_method1();

virtual get_method2();


You forgot the return type, the virtual destructor (see <http://>), and
a semicolon after the class. And likewise throughout.

class derived1 :public base
friend class derived2;

This friend is unnecessary. All functions are public. Cf. <http://>.

virtual get_method1();
virtual get_method2();
void method(); // internally calls get_method1();get_method2()

I presume you meant that it calls them without qualification, e.g.,

 void method()


class derived3:public base
virtual get_method1();
virtual get_method2();


class derived2 : public derived3

virtual get_method();

I presume you meant "get_method1();"

virtual get_method2();

 private :
 derived1* p;


i have to handle two scenarios

i ) i need to call derived1 function method from derived2 through
pointer p this can be achieved with current setup

p->method() which internally would call get_method1() and
get_method2() of derived1

Alternately, you could call p->get_method1() and p->get_method2()
directly since they're public.

ii) i need to call derived1 function method from derived2 through
pointer p

but method() of derived1 should call get_method1() and get_method2()
of derived2 obj

Not as written. Your derived1 has no access to an *instance* of
derived2 whatsoever (the friend statement does nothing in this

You could rewrite derived1's method() function something like this:

 class derived1 : public base
    // ...

    void method( base* b )

Then when you want derived1's virtual functions, send in a pointer to
a derived1 instance, and likewise with a derived2 instance:

 void derived2::my_func()
   p->method( p ); // calls derived1 functions
   p->method( this ); // calls derived2 functions

(You could also make derived1::method() static in my implementation
since it doesn't access local variables, but in that case, it should
probably be pulled out of the class altogether.)

However, I suspect that this code displays a misunderstanding of
polymorphism and how classes are supposed to work. See these FAQs on

and/or a good C++ book (_Accelerated C++_ by Koenig and Moo, for

Cheers! --M

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