Re: Problem with a Deskband using ATL

"Igor Tandetnik" <>
Wed, 27 Jun 2007 11:25:55 -0400
Skywalker <> wrote:

I'm using ATL to build a Deskband object & I want to build the GUI
using MFC. I built the same project using simple Win32 & COM, which
worked okay. But using ATL, I'm running into a problem I'm unable to

My Problem is that the Deskband is displayed, the CEdit Control or
Button, whatever I choose to create is created, but NOT ON THE
DESKBAND. It gets created somewhere else.........

STDMETHODIMP CPluginPlatform :: SetSite (IUnknown *_PunkSite) {
// _IOSite = (IInputObjectSite*) _PunkSite;
if (_PunkSite) {
IOleWindow *_PtrOleWnd;
_ParentHWND = NULL;

if (SUCCEEDED (_PtrOleWnd->QueryInterface (IID_IOleWindow,
(void**)&_PtrOleWnd))) {

_PtrOleWnd is never initialized, yet you are calling a method on it?
Doesn't your program crash right there? Or is the code you show
different from the code actually running in your program?

I don't see your implementation of IOleWindow::GetWindow. You should
provide your band's HWND in this method. In your case, that would be
_ReflectionWnd's HWND.

Note also that identifiers beginning with an underscore followed by an
uppercase letter are reserved for the implementation and should not be
used by programs. Consider some other naming convention.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925

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