Re: Creating an instance of a class

"jimbo" <>
19 Feb 2007 01:06:40 -0800
On 19 Feb., 09:55, Piyo <> wrote:

jimbo wrote:

Dear all,

I am more or less new to c++ programing and therefore still have
problems with some fundamentals :(

At the moment I try to build a GUI-Application with Qt4. Sometimes I
have seen in the tutorials I have to instance a class with the new
command. Like QWidget QLabel *label = new QLabel("Hello World"); Then
I have created a pointer to a QLabel Object. The other way I have seen
is to just use QLabel label("Hello World"); Without a pointer and
without the new statement.

So to access the functions of the QLabel class I have to use the "."
for the part without pointer like and for the pointer part:

Can somebody explain me, why it is possible to use the two ways and
what is the difference in general.

Thank you a lot in advance.


Given an object and a pointer to that object, you can access members
like so:

class foo
    int bar;


    foo* baz1 = new foo();
    foo baz2;; // cool
    baz2->bar; // not cool; // not cool
    (*baz1).bar; // cool but too long
    (baz1)->bar; // short hand version of the previous line
    baz1->bar; // even shorter version of the previous line


In summary, "->" is a short hand notation to dereference the
pointer first and then access its member.

Good Luck!

Hi to all of you,

first of all, thanks a lot for the explanation. I didn=B4t know that
this whole topic is related to where the memory is allocated. Now with
heap and stack I can imagine a little bit better what I am doing :)

But to come back to my own little example. When i am already in a
main() function of my app and i create the instances there without the
new operator then i will have no problems concerning the use of the
instance in a different scope because i am already in main and main is
not ended yet, or?

I think i need to take it more carefully when i implement an own class
and use functions there.

Thx for your help.

Best regards,


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