Re: Saving data

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 06 Apr 2010 12:24:22 -0400
CPlusPlus wrote:

typedef struct dummy // global definition
    char* p1;
    char* p2;

d d1;

void foobar()
    // allocate memory from heap
    d1.p1 = (char*)malloc(strlen("hello"+1)*sizeof(char));

'malloc' is undefined. Did you include the necessary headers?

    strcpy(d1.p1, "hello");

'strcpy' is undefined.


void main()
   printf("d1.p1 = %s\n", p1.d1); // PROBLEM: junk is printed.

This simply doesn't compile. There is no such thing as 'p1.d1'. BTW,
'printf' is undefined.



Questions about C programming should be asked in 'comp.lang.c'.
Consider that, please.

I think I know why junk is printed because when foo exits, p1 data
vanishes, i.e, goes out of scope. How can I fix this?

Post real code. And post to 'comp.lang.c'.

Bare with me, I started out on writing a C++ program in MS VS2005 but
C has me figuring it out.

Sorry, I don't understand how writing a C program can help figuring out
a C++ program. Write and debug C++.

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