Re: destruction of already destructed pointer variable when copying an object - abort error

James Kanze <>
Sat, 11 Sep 2010 11:19:53 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 11, 5:24 am, Garrett Hartshaw <> wrote:

Kindly consider the code segment below: I have a function
object containing a pointer variable which is passed to
min_element algorithm. My problem is the pointer variable is
deleted twice and I do not know how to fix this issue.

class FO{
set<int>::size_type size(){return s->size()}
bool operator()(int a, int b);

set<int> * s;

s = new set<int>;

delete s;

bool FO::operator()(int a,int b){
return (a<b);

int main(){
vector<int> v;
//vector populated
FO fo;

The variable 's' is defined as a pointer bcz min_element
algorithm takes a copy of its function object argument. Now
inside the min_element algorithm, the copy of 'fo' is
deleted which results in freeing of the memory associated
with 's'. But in the main, the original object fo is
destructed and then also the same memory is freed and this
gives a abort error.

How to solve this kind of a problem?

I'm no expert, but I would say that a smart pointer (e.g.
std::tr1::shared_pointer) would probably be your best choice.

Probably, but we'd have to know what he wants to do with
the set before being sure---most of the time I've needed
something along these lines, the best solution was to pass the
address of the container (typically a local variable) to the

Even more to the point, I think he should learn *why* the smart
pointer is needed, and what it actually does here, before just
blindly using it. We're dealing with one of the most basic and
fundamental issues of C++, and he won't get far without actually
understanding it. (Having understood what is going on, *if* a
dynamically allocated set is the best solution, then a smart
pointer does seem indicated.)

James Kanze

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