Re: template friend for operator- How to

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Tue, 08 Jul 2014 08:42:59 -0400
On 7/8/2014 5:46 AM, Helmut Jarausch wrote:

I have a problem with a friend declaration of the dyadic operator- IFF there is a monadic operator-, as well.

Note that the friend declaration below is accepted if and only if the definition of the monadic operator
is removed.

Actually, if you move it *after* the friend declaration, it will likely
work as well.

Many thanks for a hint,

template <typename INT,INT P> class Zp;

template <typename INT,INT P>
Zp<INT,P> operator-(const Zp<INT,P>& a, const Zp<INT,P>& b);

template <typename INT,INT P>

class Zp {
   static const INT p = P;

   INT val;


   Zp() : val(0) {}
   Zp( INT x ) : val(x%p) { if (x < 0 ) x+= p; }

   Zp operator-() const { return Zp(p-val); } // if this is deleted, it works <<<<<
   friend Zp<INT,P> operator- <>(const Zp<INT,P>& a, const Zp<INT,P>& b);

/* gcc-4.9.0 says
Quest_Templ.C:22:28: error: declaration of 'operator-' as non-function
    friend Zp<INT,P> operator- <>(const Zp<INT,P>& a, const Zp<INT,P>& b);
Quest_Templ.C:22:28: error: expected ';' at end of member declaration
Quest_Templ.C:22:30: error: expected unqualified-id before '<' token
    friend Zp<INT,P> operator- <>(const Zp<INT,P>& a, const Zp<INT,P>& b);

I tried your code with VC++ 2013, and found the same behavior. I must
have something to do with name resolution, which doesn't involve
arguments, unfortunately. It is fixed if you move the unary (what you
call "monadic") operator declaration/definition *after* the 'friend'


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