Re: Templated containers of inherited objects

Kai-Uwe Bux <>
Sun, 18 Feb 2007 09:31:59 -0500
Roland Pibinger wrote:

On 17 Feb 2007 22:53:14 -0800, "=?iso-8859-1?q?Kirit_S=E6lensminde?="
<> wrote:

On Feb 18, 2:12 am, (Roland Pibinger) wrote:

A pointer is not a value, otherwise one could just use an int instead.
A pointer in C/C++ has the combined meaning of reference and address.

What is your definition of 'value' that makes you say that a pointer
isn't a value? After all a pointer *is* just an integer, but one which
is interpreted in a specific way (old x86 style far pointers
notwithstanding), but that is the same as many other value types too.

A pointer can be dereferenced, i.e. pointers have a specific
dereference operator.

In general, STL is the attempt introduce the functional paradigm into
the C++ language as counterpart to the object-oriented paradigm. This
attempt has produced much misunderstanding and confusion.

I've come across this assertion a couple of times. To me the STL is a
fine bit of OO programming, but I can see where the functional view
comes into it too.

OO is characterized by inherited and polymorphic objects. STL neither
uses nor supports these.

Hm, I always felt that this is simply because pointers are not really what
we want when dealing with objects. What we want is something like a
reference that can be assigned and re-seated. Something like this:

template < typename T >
class smart_ref {

  T * the_ptr;


  // maybe, we should not have this constructor !
  smart_ref ( T * ptr )
    : the_ptr ( ptr )

  smart_ref ( T & ref )
    : the_ptr ( &ref )

  operator T & ( void ) {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  operator T const & ( void ) const {
    return ( *the_ptr );

  // these really want to be overloaded dot-operators:
  T * operator-> ( void ) {
    return ( the_ptr );

  T const * operator-> ( void ) const {
    return ( the_ptr );


With this, STL works to some extend. The amount of failure derives mostly
from the fact that we cannot overload the dot-operator (which is a real

#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ostream>

class X {

  unsigned int the_ssn;


  X ( unsigned int ssn )
    : the_ssn ( ssn )

  std::string name ( void ) const {
    return ( "X" );

  unsigned int ssn ( void ) const {
    return ( the_ssn );

  ~X ( void ) {}

  bool operator< ( X const & lhs, X const & rhs ) {
    return ( lhs.the_ssn < rhs.the_ssn );


struct Y : public X {

  Y ( unsigned int ssn )
    : X ( ssn )

  std::string name ( void ) const {
    return ( "Y" );

  ~Y ( void ) {}


std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream & ostr,
                            X const & x ) {
  return ( ostr << << "(" << x.ssn() << ")" );

typedef smart_ref<X> X_ref;
typedef std::vector<X_ref> X_vect;

int main ( void ) {
    X a ( 333451234 );
    X b ( 919113247 );
    Y c ( 238648666 );
    Y d ( 237986136 );
    X e ( 879823769 );
    X_vect xv;
    xv.push_back( X_ref(a) );
    xv.push_back( X_ref(b) );
    xv.push_back( X_ref(c) );
    xv.push_back( X_ref(d) );
    xv.push_back( X_ref(e) );
    std::sort( xv.begin(), xv.end() );
    for ( X_vect::const_iterator iter = xv.begin();
          iter != xv.end(); ++iter ) {
      std::cout << *iter << '\n';

Maybe, it's not that STL does not want to work with OO-objects. Maybe, it's
just that pointers make for lousy OO-objects.


Kai-Uwe Bux

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