More of a raw kind of cast

Frederick Gotham <>
Thu, 29 Jun 2006 19:15:52 GMT
Before I begin, here's a list of assumptions for this particular example:

    (1) unsigned int has no padding bits, and therefore no invalid bit-
patterns or trap representations.
    (2) All types have the same alignment requirements.
    (3) sizeof(double) >= sizeof(unsigned)


We can cast from double to unsigned int as follows:

    int main()
        double d = 672.23;

        unsigned i = d;

However, if we want a raw kind of cast, i.e. simply access the double's
data in memory as if it were an unsigned int, then we can write:

    int main()
        double d = 672.23;

        unsigned i = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned*>( &d );

However, my question is this:

    Do we have to bother with pointers as in the previous snippet, or can
we use references?

    int main()
        double d = 672.23;

        unsigned i = reinterpret_cast<unsigned&>( d );


Frederick Gotham

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