Re: array as member of class

"BobR" <>
Wed, 08 Aug 2007 19:53:48 GMT
Jim Langston <> wrote in message...

"Florian B?rzle" <> wrote in message...

Thanks for the quick reply. Can you give me a hint how to implement such
a dynamic array in this case? (Sorry if this is trivial, but I've never
used dynamic arrays).

Pick one. My preference is Foo.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

extern const int dim; // dimension of the array
const int dim = 10;

class Foo
    Foo( const int Size )
        x.resize( Size );
    std::vector<double> x;

I prefer 'initialization lists':

class Foo{ public:
    Foo( size_t const Size ) : x( Size, 3.14 ){} // OP, note the colon
    Foo() : x( dim ){} // 'dim' doubles inited to zero (Foo2 below)
    std::vector<double> x;
/* - main() or ? -
     Foo aFoo( 7 );
     // out:

class Foo2{ public: // shortened to *my* style for NG post
    Foo2(){ x.resize( dim ); }
    std::vector<double> x;

class Bar{ public:
    Bar( const int Size ) { x = new double[ Size ]; }
    ~Bar() { delete[] x; }
    double* x;

class Bar{ public:
     Bar( size_t const Size ) : x( new double[ Size ] ){}
     ~Bar() { delete[] x; }
     double *x;
// 'function level try block' for Ctor not shown.

// Why 'size_t' (unsigned integer type)?
class Bar{ public:
     // Bar( int const Size ) : x( new double[ Size ] ){}
     // use: Bar aBar( -1 ); runtime-error: bad_alloc

     Bar( size_t const Size ) : x( new double[ Size ] ){}
     // use: Bar aBar( -1 ); compile-warning
     // [Warning] passing negative value `-1'
     // for argument 1 of `Bar::Bar(unsigned int)'
     // == a HUGE size

     ~Bar(){ delete[] x; }
     double *x;

[ snip other examples ]

OP: Jim was keeping it simple so not to confuse you. Look over his post
before you tackle the 'init list' modifications I've shown.
The 'initialization lists; are the prefered way to do it, when you can
(sometimes you must use the body of the constructor (like to set init values
in array[])).
More questions? No problem, ask away.

Bob R

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