Re: What is the official way of checking that opening a file succeeded?

James Kanze <>
Sun, 1 Mar 2009 16:08:28 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 24, 6:55 pm, "Bo Persson" <> wrote:

Juha Nieminen wrote:

 Consider this:

int main()
   std::ifstream is("file1");
       std::cout << "ok\n";
       std::string line;
       while(std::getline(is, line));
       std::cout << "failed!\n";

 Assume that both files exist and are normally readable.
 With gcc the "failed!" output is not triggered, while with
 MSVC++ 2005 it is triggered. (errno points to "no error" in
 this case, so the file was clearly opened successfully, but
 the good() bit was not set.)

 I can only assume one of two things. Either

1) good() is *not* the proper way of checking if opening a
file succeeded, or

good() is definitely not the proper way of checking if opening a
file succeeded, or much of anything else. (In fact, I've never
found a correct use for ios::good().) I tend to use is_open(),
because it says explicitly what I'm asking, but fail() or simply
treating the stream as a boolean are also valid options; the
last is probably the most idiomatic, e.g.:

    std::ifstream is( "file1" ) ;
    if ( ! is ) {
        // open failed...

2) there's a bug in MSVC++ 2005.


1) One way of checking the result of open, is to look at the return
value of open(). :-)

Not for his first test, where the open was embedded in the
constructor. (Constructors don't have return values.)

std::ifstream is:

if ("file1"))

2) When re-opening a stream, the original standard didn't say
what should happen to the flags.

Actually, it did. It said that they would be unchanged. This
is obviously an error (and as you say, has been corrected), but
formally, a compiler which does anything else today is not

After long considerations, the standards committee decided
that this means that they should be kept unchanged.

Here, this means that the eof() flag from getline() is still
set after opening file2. To clear that, you have to call

Note that if the file is empty, eof() might be set (or might
not---it's unspecified) immediately after the open.

While producing the next standard (C++ 2010?), the committee
has now changed its mind, and believe that it is a good idea
to let open() call the clear() function for you. It seems like
people are getting confused that it doesn't do so already.

So, VC 2005 actually follows the current language standard,
while gcc might have already started to implement features of
the next standard. If you do call clear(), like you are
supposed to, you will not notice this difference!

BTW, there is no "good bit", so good() is just the absence of
status bits (bad, fail, or eof).

And you don't want to check eof, so good() is NOT the function
you want.

James Kanze (GABI Software)
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