Re: Best structure for a "data buffer".

Victor Bazarov <>
Tue, 25 Aug 2009 13:18:23 -0400
mzdude wrote:

On Aug 25, 12:41 pm, Victor Bazarov <> wrote:

Barzo wrote:

I have some data readed from binary files (In my case are audio file)
and I have to store in a temp "buffer" the data readed with a function
File->ReadFileChunk(T buffer_ptr*, const int items_to_read);
I'm thinking to use a structure like an std::vector<T> because I think
it is more simple to manage instead of a simple T buffer[] array;
But, is there a way to store a T* buffer into a vector (and the
opposite) in only-one "copy" operation?

     // given that 'buffer' is
     T *buffer;
     // and you know what the number of elements in it is
     int items_read = ... ;

     // then you can construct a vector of those like so
     std::vector<T> my_vector(buffer, buffer + items_read);

Why not read directly into the vector?
std::vector<T> myVector(items_to_read); // Create space
File->ReadChunk( &myVector[0], items_to_read );

That's fine too, if 'T' has a default c-tor.

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