Re: Preventing Denial of Service Attack In IPC Serialization

Le Chaud Lapin <>
Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:20:20 CST
On Jun 26, 10:13 am, wrote:

LOL. You criticize me for requiring a single estimate to be made, yet
here you are, happily estimating away, not just a single value, but a
value for every single type of object you ever intend to serialize...

That is better than your alternative, allocating a 1MB buffer.

You haven't written a serialization framework. You've written a
serialize-send-receive-deserialize chunk of code, whose source code
must be modified to fit in with any particular application.

My method does not require source code modification. It is far more
efficient and less arbitrary than your method, and as another poster
pointed out (I forget who), my method will detect breaches much
quicker than your method, and more likely at the point where over-
consumption is attempting to occur.

The rest of us will stick to general purpose serialization frameworks.

You must mean you and the Infidels-of-Infinite Memory. :)

-Le Chaud Lapin-

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