Re: template function with median

"Jim Langston" <>
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 20:19:36 -0700
<> wrote in message

I created a program to determine the medians of arrays, be it of type
int or float. I have used a template function and the problem I'm
having is returning the float median for even arrays. Can anyone help?
include <iostream>

using namespace std;

template <class T>
T getMedian(T* array, int size)
    int middle = 0;

     cout << endl;
     cout << "Processing " << size << " element array" << endl;
     cout << "Array elements: ";
     for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
           cout << array[i] << " , ";
     cout << endl;

     if(size % 2 == 0)
         middle = ((array[size/2] + array[(size/2)+1])/2);

Operator precidence. / has a higher precidence that + or -. So this

middle = (array[size/2] + (array[size/2 + 1] / 2 );
Not what you wanted. So you have to use parenthesis to get the precidence
you want. Try changing it to:

middle = ( array[size/2] + array[size / 2 + 1] ) / 2;

         return middle;
         middle = (size)/ 2;
         return array[middle];



int main()
   int A1[] = {1,9,3,4,6};
   int A2[] = {4,1,9,3,6,2};
   float A3[] = {1.1,4.1,3.1,5.2,6.3};
   float A4[] = {4.1,1.2,9.3,3.4,6.1,2.7};

   int medianA1;
   float medianA3;
   int medianA2;
   float medianA4;


    medianA1 = getMedian (A1, (sizeof A1 / sizeof A1[0]));
   cout << "Median from A1 is " << medianA1 << endl;
   medianA2 = getMedian (A2, (sizeof A2 / sizeof A2[0]));
   cout << "Median from A2 is " << medianA2 << endl;
   medianA3 = getMedian (A3, (sizeof A3 / sizeof A3[0]));
   cout << "Median from A3 is " << medianA3 << endl;
   medianA4 = getMedian (A4, (sizeof A4 / sizeof A4[0]));
   cout << "Median from A4 is " << medianA4 << endl;

   return 0;

// the compilation error: In function `T getMedian(T*, int) [with T =
                                 instantiated from here
                                 [Warning] converting to `int' from

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