Re: STL support for 64 bit applications wrote:
I am pretty new to STL.
Does SGI
SGI was the last maintainer of the STL, before large parts of it were
incorporated into the C++ standardlibrary. Referring to STL when you mean
the C++ stdlib is technically not correct...
/Boost/STLPort STLs support 64 bit applications ?
.... so this question doesn't make much sense either. The C++ standard
doesn't make a distinction between n-bit machines, but rest assured, there
are working standard libs on 64 bit systems. Now, assuming that is your
question, the SGI STL might support it (but it's obsolete still), STLport
does support win64 (and other 64 bit targets, but I don't think those are
your goal) although that support is still little tested. The same as with
STLport applies more or less to Boost, too, but I think you can make them
all work. Further, I guess that 64 bit is indeed an issue for commercial
vendors so Microsoft will make sure their compilers are accompanied by a
decent C++ stdlib. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure Dinkumware could help you out
for a fee (they supply the C++ stdlib for the Microsoft compilers).
Does any STL support Binary Tree, BTree and Other Tree Containers ?
No, neither the STL nor the C++ stdlib, apart from some containers that are
implemented in terms of trees. However, I think Boost contains some more
generic tree implementations and searching or asking on
comp.lang.c++.moderated might turn up more libraries for generic