Re: Container requirements post conditions and the unordered associated containers.

David Abrahams <>
Wed, 1 Aug 2007 08:48:54 CST
on Sat Jul 28 2007, ("Peter C. Chapin") wrote:

I'm looking at document N2135 (draft standard). Table 80 in section 23.1
on container requirements shows the expression X(a) with post-condition
X(a) == a.

However, section 23.1.3 on the unordered associated containers says that
the expression a == b need not be valid for those containers. What then
is the meaning of the post condition in Table 80 for the unordered
associative containers?

Frankly I'm surprised we'd drop the requirement for operator==,
considering that these containers have O(1) lookup. Equality can
always be tested with O(N) efficiency. Maybe it's for the maps, where
we might not want to require equality comparability on the values
(only the keys). But then, we'd have the same exception for the
ordered associatives. Very confusing...

Dave Abrahams
Boost Consulting

The Astoria Seminar ==>

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