Re: DataInputStream

Andreas Leitgeb <>
05 Oct 2011 08:12:46 GMT
bob <> wrote:

     float[] getVertices3(String filename) {
        try {
            AssetManager am = this.getResources().getAssets();
            InputStream is =;
            DataInputStream dis = new DataInputStream(is);
            int numfloats=dis.readInt();
            float[] floatArray = new float[numfloats];
            for (int ctr = 0; ctr < floatArray.length; ctr++) {
                floatArray[ctr] = dis.readFloat();
            return floatArray;

Are you aware, that the DataInputStream expects a particular *binary*
format of data coming from the stream?

If the data stored in the file that you use still contains the same
textual representation as for your previous questions, then
DataInputStream won't be able to read it properly.

You might create a separate converter utility, that reads in your
textfile (with StreamTokenizer), then creates a binary file (writing
out size and the individual floats through a DataOutputStream.
That may seem roundabout, but is just right, if you *casually* need
to hand-edit the text-file, but want speed-improved reading into your
main application.

Another option could be reading the float[] as a single object from
an ObjectInputStream. Again. the data for that must have been created
before by writing such an array to an ObjectOutputStream.

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