Re: Passing locale object to JSP Custom Tags

Lew <>
Mon, 26 Mar 2007 07:59:16 -0400
kitty wrote:


I have created a custom tag for passing date and locale objects and
getting the locale specific date.
I need to pass the locale and date objects from my form bean to the
tag but i should not use scriptlets, the requirement states that using
scriptlets is bad practise.

My JSP code,

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/Customi18n.tld" prefix="i18n" %>
<%@ page import="java.util.*" %>
    Locale newlocale = new Locale("en","GB");
    Date date1 = new Date();
    int dateFormat = java.text.DateFormat.LONG;
Localized Date : <i18n:date locale="<%= newlocale %>" inputdate="<%=
date1 %>" dateFormat="<%= dateFormat %>" />

Please let me know if there is any other way to pass the locale and
date object to the tag. Thanks in advance for all the help.

Why not just pass the locale strings ("en", "GB") to the tag implementation
and let the tag create the Locale and Date (or Calendar) objects?

Then all that nasty scriptlet leaves the JSP.

-- Lew

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