Re: problem upgrading to JSTL 1.2

Lew <>
Sun, 23 Dec 2007 12:35:25 -0500
<> wrote:

Hi All,

We in the process of upgrading our JBoss implementation from version
4.0.3 to 4.2.2. This also implies moving from JSTL 1.1 to JSTL 1.2 and
from Tomcat 5 to Tomcat 6.

Now some of our old JSPs don't work.

For example:

<%-- ${currGroup.current.value} is an ArrayList --%>
<c:set var="messageList" value="${currGroup.current.value.list}"/>

throws the following exception:

javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException: Property 'list' not readable on
type java.util.List

I've found out that changing
#{currGroup.current.value.list} fixes this problem. But I wouldn't
want to make this change all across our JSPs. Besides I thought JSTL
1.2 was supposed to be backwards compatible to JSTL 1.1. That's what
it says here:

Does anyone have an explanation?

I might, after seeing the definition of the backing bean, particularly the
currGroup object's type, and the declaration of getCurrent(), its type, its
declaration of getValue(), its type in turn, and the declaration of that
type's getList(). The error message indicates that getValue() already returns
a java.util.List(), which of course would not itself have a getList() method.

Incomplete examples lead to incomplete answers.


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