Re: Long delay when using JComboBox.setSelectedIndex() ??

Wed, 5 Dec 2012 10:46:14 -0800 (PST)
Thank you for your input!

I know doing io on the EDT is not optimal, but I was just trying to provide=
 a short code snippet to illustrate the problem. The issue is happening wel=
l AFTER I load the employee names from disk. The delay is happening right a=
fter I setSelectedIndex(3) on the jcombobox..

Can you show me how to override equals ??

Thank you again!

On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 1:35:50 PM UTC-5, Lew wrote: wrote:

I am attempting to load 5000 employee items into a jcombobox, and then =

setSelectedIndex, but I am getting a odd delay in the gui after setting the=




1) If I load the 5000 employee names using a simple vector, it works fi=

ne. When I call

'vector' or "vector" or 'Vector'?

setSelectedIndex(5), it sets the combobox to the 5th element, very quic=

kly. This works fine:




 while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {

This is a slow action on the EDT. Bad.

                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "|");


                lastName = st.nextToken().trim();


                firstName = st.nextToken().trim();


                id = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());

'lastName, 'firstName', and 'id' should be declared locally to the loop.



                mybox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(mo=







2)HOWEVER, if I load an employee object into a mapped vector, and then =

setSelectedIndex(5), I DO

What is a "mapped vector"?

see it instantly set the GUI combobox to the 5th item, BUT then there i=

s a LOOOONG delay in the gui (1 minute or more) before it allows me to do a=
nything further in the gui




 while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) {

This is a slow action on the EDT. Bad.

                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(line, "|");


                lastName = st.nextToken().trim();


                firstName = st.nextToken().trim();


                id = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken().trim());


                empBuffer= new Employee(id, lastName );

'lastName, 'firstName', 'id' and 'empBuffer' should be declared locally t=

o the loop.


                map.put(empBuffer.getId()+"",empBuffer );


                count++; }








             mybox1.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel(model=







public class Employee implements Comparable {


         private int id;


         private String name;




         public Employee(int id, String name) {


    = id;


    = name;






         public String getName() {


             return name;






         public int getId() {


             return id;






         public int compareTo(Object emp) {


             return getName().compareTo(((Employee)emp).getName());






         public String toString() {


             return getName()+","+getId();





You should override 'equals()' to match 'compareTo()' so the model will w=

ork right. wrote:

CORRECTION, both examples have the same problem. I thought the first ex=

ample was working, but in each case AFTER I call setSelectedIndex, the GUI =
DOES quickly go to the item in the combobox , but then the whole gui hangs =
for about a minute ???? Why? If I replace the combobox with a jtextfield, i=
t works without delay...

How long does 'input.readLine()' take, and why are you doing it on the ED=


I/O is much slower than CPU activity. You are causing the GUI to wait for=

 5000 lines of read. Bad.

Don't do it on the EDT.

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