Re: Looking For Direction

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 10 Jun 2010 18:13:37 -0400
On 10-06-2010 06:45, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

Arne Vajh?j wrote:

On 09-06-2010 20:19, Arved Sandstrom wrote:

JC wrote:
[ SNIP ]

Off the top of my head, I am thinking of a Unix based version of
Oracle for
the DBMS. For the user interface I am thinking of something that is
integrated with a web browser. And of course some sort of interface
the two. All this with my limited knowledge of what's out there
today. I
might be a dinosaur but certainly not stupid; I am quite capable of
learning. I haven't been to school since 1996 when I graduated with a
BS in
Comp/Sci & Math.

Many Thanks to any/all that respond ...

I realize that you posted to Java newsgroups, and others have already
provided good advice for Java-based work. However, in line with where
you say you're currently at, I would recommend investigating a .NET
approach in parallel with following up the Java/J2EE leads. For a web
application you might then be looking at ASP.NET MVC 2, using C# as your
primary programming language, with SQL Server as your database. The J2EE
parallel to this could be JSF/Facelets in Java EE 6, with Java 1.6,
using Oracle or PostgreSQL. There are lots of permutations, obviously,
but these are broad brush suggestions.

Would I recommend one over the other, J2EE over .NET, or vice versa? No,
I simply recommend being aware of both technology sets. Especially since
you are essentially coming in at ground zero, which is not necessarily a
disadvantage here.

Given that he has Java, JDBC and Oracle experience then he should
have at least some advantages going Java instead of .NET.

Based on what he said I wouldn't consider that to be a significant
advantage however. An ancient version of Java, for starters. And by his
own admission he's no DBA, so even discounting the old version of Oracle
he doesn't have admin chops on the database side either.

Even though Java 1.1 is old, then the code should still work on
a newer Java (there are few potential issues, but generally).

He may not be a DBA, but if has been writing SQL statements for the
app then he would know some of Oracles ways of doing things.


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