Re: substring() not working?

IchBin <>
Mon, 04 Sep 2006 04:18:50 -0400
Mark Space wrote:

Peter Parker wrote:

Also, what's the best way to extract fields from a string (or from a
file) like this? java/VB Script? PERL? Thanks.String sample = "<a
snipped String firstName =
sample.substring(sample.indexOf("FirstName=") +10,

Hmm, that's a good question. I assumed the answer would be "use" but there's no way to parse the query string. You can use
getQuery() to get the whole thing, which seems a bit safer than your

You can look at this code. It has a trace option at the top. I set it to
true. It will do what you want but I am not happy with it. I think I can
clean it up and make it tighter. Anyway, here ya go. This may get you
started in the right direction.

Here is test output with trace of the data you submitted in you message:

Queued (length, value) 65 <a
Not Used: <a href=
Queued (length, value) 10 srch=email
Not Used: srch=email
Queued (length, value) 13 ext=vcard.vcf
Not Used: ext=vcard.vcf
Queued (length, value) 16 FirstName=George
Queued (length, value) 13 LastName=Bush
Queued (length, value) 20 FullName=George+Bush
Queued (length, value) 15 City=Washington
Queued (length, value) 8 State=DC
Queued (length, value) 10 Country=US
Queued (length, value) 14 CountryCode=US
Queued (length, value) 26
Queued (length, value) 14 URL=>vCard</a>
Not Used: URL=>vCard</a>
FirstName: George
LastName: Bush
FullName: George Bush
City: Washington
State: DC
Country: US
Country Code: US

Here is the code:

public class Parsetest
     // Set to display some trace information
     static boolean trace = true;

     public static void main(String[] args)
         int i = 0;
         String sample = "<a href="
             + ">vCard</a>";
         String firstName = "", lastName = "", fullName = "";
         String city = "", state = "", country = "", countryCode = "",
email = "";
         // Delete some inital stuff
         sample = sample.replace("&amp", "");
         // sample = sample.replace("=", " ");
         // tokenize the String Object
         String[] token = sample.split(";");
         // Loop and extract the data into vars
         for (i = 0; i < token.length; i++){
             if (trace)
                 System.out.println("Queued (length, value) " +
                         token[i].length() + " "+ token[i]);
             if (token[i].length()> 4 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 5).equals("City=")){
                 city = token[i].substring(5);
             } else if (token[i].length()> 5 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 6).equals("Email=")){
                 email = token[i].substring(6);
             } else if (token[i].length()> 5 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 6).equals("State=")){
                 state = token[i].substring(6);
             } else if (token[i].length()> 7 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 8).equals("Country=")){
                 country = token[i].substring(8);
             } else if (token[i].length()> 8 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 9).equals("LastName=")){
                 lastName = token[i].substring(9);
             } else if (token[i].length()>8 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 9).equals("FullName=")){
                 fullName = token[i].substring(9);
                 fullName = fullName.replace("+", " ");
             } else if (token[i].length()> 9 &
                     token[i].substring(0, 10).equals("FirstName=")){
                 firstName = token[i].substring(10);
             } else if (token[i].length() > 11 &
                     (token[i].substring(0, 8).equals("CountryC"))) {
                 countryCode = token[i].substring(12);
             } else
                 if (trace)
                     System.out.println("Not Used: " + token[i]);
         // Just display them
         System.out.println("FirstName: " + firstName);
         System.out.println("LastName: " + lastName);
         System.out.println("FullName: " + fullName);
         System.out.println("City: " + city);
         System.out.println("State: " + state);
         System.out.println("Country: " + country);
         System.out.println("Country Code: " + countryCode);
         System.out.println("Email: " + email);

Thanks in Advance...
IchBin, Pocono Lake, Pa, USA
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