Re: my method is never referenced, why?

"bH" <>
21 Mar 2007 16:26:35 -0700
On Mar 19, 9:01 am, ""
<> wrote:

public class SimpleHTMLRenderableEditorPane extends JEditorPane {

// borrowed from

   protected String getNewCharSet(ChangedCharSetException e) {
        String spec = e.getCharSetSpec();
        if (e.keyEqualsCharSet()) {
            // The event contains the new CharSet
            return spec;

        // The event contains the content type
        // plus ";" plus qualifiers which may
        // contain a "charset" directive. First
        // remove the content type.
        int index = spec.indexOf(";");
        if (index != -1) {
            spec = spec.substring(index + 1);

        // Force the string to lower case
        spec = spec.toLowerCase();

        StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(spec, " \t=", true);
        boolean foundCharSet = false;
        boolean foundEquals = false;
        while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
            String token = st.nextToken();
            if (token.equals(" ") || token.equals("\t")) {
            if (foundCharSet == false && foundEquals == false
                    && token.equals("charset")) {
                foundCharSet = true;
            } else if (foundEquals == false && token.equals("=")) {
                foundEquals = true;
            } else if (foundEquals == true && foundCharSet == true) {
                return token;

            // Not recognized
            foundCharSet = false;
            foundEquals = false;

        // No charset found - return a guess
        return "8859_1";

    public void read(InputStream in, Object desc) {
        System.out.println("do you see this?");
        try {
  , desc);
        } catch (ChangedCharSetException e) {
            String charSet = getNewCharSet(e);
            System.out.println("charSet = " + charSet);
            try {
                InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in,
      , desc);
            } catch (ChangedCharSetException ee) {
            } catch (IOException ee) {}
        } catch (IOException e2) {}



Per reference in am having to overwrite with my own method, I still get
ChangedCharSetException thrown when it should have been captured and
you should have at least seen something in output, yet you see noting
whatsoever except the ChangedCharSetException when you do this line:

                    // browser IS OF TYPE

                            new BufferedReader(new
                            ); // SimpleHTMLRenderableEditorPane HAS
METHOD cleanHTML(URL url) WHICH NEVER THROWS ChangedCharSetException

Why is it that my method appears to never be referenced and the
default read() method in JEditorPane is referenced instead? Ideas?


Hi Phillip,

I downloaded the program.... package 9, all of it. I ran it and in
typical fashion it did not behave as a IE or other commercial browser.
The package also comes with all the imports listed and used: kits to
mention a few. On a test of a URL, it took 290 seconds of time to
download a particular page that has a great many scripts, gifs and
text. The text at some places was so small that it looked like flakes
of dust, but when copied and placed into a Notepad page the text
enlarged to a readable size.

I tried to use another test program that I found in my files called
"" and it, like the package 9, failed in the same way.
Fonts unreadable and taking forever to download.

On a third attempt at writing some code to download the page with java
tools I wrote a java runtime program. It loads IE then fetches the
URL. This URL download comes out beautiful the text and images to a
readable state because it uses the settings that are within IE and
from the url formed within the java program and submitted to IE.

So you want to write your own? Can we discuss your design further?


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