Re: Hash table performance

Tom Anderson <>
Sat, 21 Nov 2009 19:46:08 +0000
On Sat, 21 Nov 2009, Arne Vajh?j wrote:

Tom Anderson wrote:

Could you try changing the put line to:

        hashtable.put(Double.toString(x), Double.toString(1.0 / x));

And making the corresponding change in the C# or whatever version, and
making the comparison again? That eliminates boxing in java, so if the
difference is due to boxing, it will be significantly reduced, which will
give you some clues as to what's going on.

I would still consider it boxing - just to String instead of Double.

I take the point that it's still creating an object. But it is simply,
undeniably, not boxing.

Moreover, the point is that i was suggesting adding the *same* object
creation to both the java and .NET versions, which would eliminate any
differences in language-level boxing behaviour.


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