Re: Incremental Java Compile

Joshua Maurice <>
Tue, 25 May 2010 17:18:36 -0700 (PDT)
On May 14, 3:44 pm, Joshua Maurice <> wrote:

On May 14, 2:25 pm, Tom Anderson <> wrote:

On Wed, 12 May 2010, Joshua Maurice wrote:

public class AA { public final int x = 1; }

public class BB { public int x = new AA().x; }

//javap -verbose -classpath . BB
public BB();
  Stack=3, Locals=1, Args_size=1
  0: aload_0
  1: invokespecial #1; //Method java/lang/Object."<init>":(=


  4: aload_0
  5: new #2; //class AA
  8: dup
  9: invokespecial #3; //Method AA."<init>":()V
  12: invokevirtual #4; //Method java/lang/Object.getClass:(=


  15: pop
  16: iconst_1
  17: putfield #5; //Field x:I
  20: return

Specifically note that the instructions to initialize BB.x involve
"iconst_1", which, as I understand it, puts the constant 1 on the
stack. javac, even with -g, inlined the value of a final not-static
int field.

Yeah, this is a bit weird.

Also, what the hell is that getClass call all about? I see that in code=


compile too (javac 1.6.0_16). A bit of googling reveals it's the code
generated to force a null check of a variable, and this is used in
compiling certain contortions involving inner classes. But there's no
inner class here, and there is no way in a month of sundays that the to=


of stack can be null at instruction 12 - it's produced by applying dup =


the result of new, and new can never produce a null (right?). So what's=



Anyway, turning back to the initialisation of x. if you look at the
bytecode of AA, that's also weird. It has a constructor which does
iconst_1 + putfield to initialise x - but x *also* has a ConstantValue
attribute, giving it the value 1. Why both? If you write a verion of AA
where x is static, then there's only a ConstantValue, and no synthetic
clinit or anything touching it. Or instead make it non-final, and of
course it keeps the constructor but loses the ConstantValue.

The good news is that it looks like you can detect 'silently inlinable'
variables by the presence of a ConstantValue attribute. The bad news is
that javac does seem to be violating the VM spec (AIUI) here.

And on the gripping hand, you still have no way to discover the relevan=


of AA from CC (the class you mention in a later post).

When i looked into this a while ago, my planned approach was:

1. Keep a table of explicit dependencies between classes (ie CC -> BB, =


    not CC -> AA)

2. Keep a tree of direct inheritance relationships, probably including
    interface implementation (ie BB -> AA)

3. Define the 'signature' of a class to be the aggregation of its
    kind (class or interface), name, list of direct supertypes, the=


    and types of its non-private fields, the values of its constant=


    and the names, parameter types, return types, and exception lis=

ts of

    its methods. Anything else?

4. When a source file changes, recompile, and compare the signature of =


    new class to that of the old class

5. If the signature has changed, walk the inheritance tree, and build
    the set of all classes which descend from the class - call this=


    including the original class, the family.

6. Use the dependency table to find every class which depends on a memb=


    of the family. Call these the friends.

7. Recompile the family and friends.

8. Repeat the analysis on the newly recompiled files; this is necessary
    because changes to constant values can propagate.

If you extend javap to report constant field values, then you can use t=


hash of the output of javap has a practical stand-in for a complete
signature. It's a bit oversensitive, because it will change if you add =


remove a static block, or cause the set of secret inner-class backdoor
methods to change, neither of which really change the signature.

I didn't know about ghost dependencies, so i didn't deal with those at
all. But on that subject - am i right in thinking that to build the set=


ghost dependencies, you need to know every name used by the class? If s=


doesn't that already cover this situation? CC uses the name BB.x, and
presumably you have to have an inheritance rule like the above that mea=


that a change to AA.x means a change to BB.x if there is no actual BB.x=


for "ghost dependencies".

I don't think as presented in the paper that ghost dependencies will
catch this. Again, take the example
public class AA { public final int x = 1; }
public class BB extends AA {}
public class CC { public final int x = new BB().x; } has ghost dependencies "CC", "BB", "x", aka all names in the
class file (using the Java technical definition of "name" as a single
identifier, or a list of identifiers separated by dots '.'), then get
all possible interpretations under all imports (including the implicit
import <this-package>.*;), then close over all such prefixes. (Or
something like that. The details are somewhat involved. See the

AA.class exports the name "AA", aka the full name of the class.
BB.class exports the name "BB", aka the full name of the class.

I'm not sure offhand if there is a good way to extend ghost
dependencies to catch this case without introduces a lot of false

I've also given some thought as you had to maintain this list keeping
track of super classes. I'm not sure how it would interact with this

public class AAA { public static int aaa = 1; }
public class BBB { public static AAA bbb = null; }
public class CCC { public static BBB ccc = null; }
public class DDD { public final int ddd =; }

If we chance to "public static double aaa = 2", then BBB.class
would be a noop recompile, CCC.class would be a noop recompile, but
DDD.class would need a recompile. Again, I think I would need the same
information to make this work without endless cascading; I would need
to know that DDD (directly) uses AAA. I thus think that your / my
scheme of keeping tracking of super classes would not be terribly
effective / productive.

I might have to backtrack and/or apologize. I've actually come back to
this idea here, and I'm thinking it could work decently well.
Specifically, the rules would be:

1- A java file's compilation is out of date when its source file has
been modified since the last compilation.

2- A java file's compilation is out of date when it has a newer Ghost
Dependency, see paper:

3- A java file's compilation is out of date when one of its output
class files has a reference to a type
3a- whose class file has a last "interface changed" time which is
newer than the java file's last compilation,
3b- or which is in an output class file of an "out of date" java file
which is part of this javac task,
3c- or which has a super type (direct or transitive) whose class has a
last "interface changed" time which is newer than the java file's last
3d- or which has a super type (direct or transitive) which is in an
output class file of an "out of date" java file which is part of this
javac task.

4a- A java file's compilation is out of date when
- it has a potentially used constant variable field simple name X
(which is basically any simple name of any name in the source),
- and there is a class file on the compile classpath which "exports" a
constant variable field which has simple name X,
- and the "exported" constant variable field has a "last changed" time
which is newer than the java file's last compilation.
4b- A java file's compilation is out of date when
- it has a potentially used constant variable field simple name X
(which is basically any simple name of any name in the source),
- and there is an "out of date" java file in this javac task which has
a class file which "exports" a constant variable field which has
simple name X.

I just thought this up today from a small discussion on an OpenJDK
mailing list, and do to a couple of realizations about how javac
internally works, specifically that I think closing dependencies over
all super types (direct and transitive) of the dependency would be
equivalent to using javac's -verbose output.

What remains to be seen is if there's any other corner case which I'm

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