Re: [Windows] Any way to distinguish ^C Induced EOF from ^Z EOF?

=?ISO-8859-15?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Tue, 13 Mar 2012 19:53:48 -0400
On 3/13/2012 1:51 PM, Jan Burse wrote:

Leif Roar Moldskred schrieb:

Jan Burse<> wrote:

Didn't you read my note: People who are
not used to work on solutions, please
refrain from posting?

You are just wasting bandwidth.

I think you're confusing the terms "solution" and "hack" here,
actually, but that's just me.

Conceptually Signal/SignalHandler is a solution for
providing a SIGINT hook. When I wrap this in my
own class without other visible classes than from
java.lang.* I am not anymore dependent on sun.misc.*.

For platforms that don't have sun.misc.* I can
bundle a different implementation of my class.
This is programming by contract. My class defines
a contract, and I can deliver what ever realization
I want.

So its only in as far a hack, because I have not yet
done a wide range realization of the contract. But
sun.misc.* is already pretty wide range. For example
I am not that dependent on Sun/Oracle, since OpenJDK
on Linux has also sun.misc.* at the moment.

But I am open to suggestions that would provide:
- Their own contract
- Their own set of realizations

I believe the JNI solution is more clean.

If you use sun.* and hit a platform where it is not
available or work differently, then it is a hard problem
to solve. It basically means back to square one.

If you use JNI and define a C API with certain semantics, then
it should be a relative simple task to implement that on a new
platform (assuming that there are expertise about the platform


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