Re: Sun rejects IBM buyout, IBM withdraws offer wrote:
... I disagree with your
rhetorical "fear-mongering" attempts at belittling. I can see very
It's not belittling, it's description. When people talk in dire terms
about IBM taking over Java without providing any evidence or even
reasoning behind the predictions, as they've done in this thread, that
meets the objective definition of "fear-mongering".
well why IBM would want to capture the Enterprise Java Market and
would go to almost any lengths to do so. The revenue is huge
And that is a problem because ...?
especially when you combine the products and services. And when
someone uses JBoss, they don't use WebSphere which is a loss for IBM.
So where you say:
"IBM isn't stupid. They market systems based on Linux and Java, both
open-source or free products. They have already shown a commitment to
tech. On what basis could anyone conclude they will be any worse than
IBM could be considered very stupid by many if they miss on the
opportunity to take the Enterprise Java market. Commitment? What
commitment? In business the only commitment I know of is a binding
contract and I sincerely doubt IBM has entered any such agreement to
I see commitment evidenced by IBM's behavior. For several years
they've been selling and supporting systems based on Linux and Java.
Now they have contracts for those systems, thus meeting your
definition, and shown a success by doing this strategy. They did all
this without initially having contracts, showing they deemed it a
viable strategy. Their success with that strategy bears out their
hold their current views on open source. Of course a coup on the
Has Sun?
Enterprise Java market has nothing to do with Linux either and
possibly could avoid much influence on the JVM. Maybe your last name
is Gerstner and you have some love for IBM, personally I just look at
I'm just going by their publicly observable behavior. And my last
name is Bloch, not Gerstner.
motive and potential. Can they do it and would it make business sense
for them to do so? Seems affirmative to me and many others I know.
Can they do what, exactly?
What evidence do *you* have for their motives?
I see that IBM has made very good business out of Linux and Java for
years now, and if anything is increasing their involvement in those
areas. IBM is the primary funder and provider of human resources to
the Apache project and the Eclipse project. IBM incorporates Apache
and Eclipse technology in their products such as WebSphere and
Rational Application Developer. They are an early provider of JPA
(Java Persistence API) and Axis web services as built-in features of
WebSphere Application Server. They've been giving away software for
over a decade to developers. They maintain informative web sites like
DeveloperWorks at no charge to the community.
If that doesn't demonstrate commitment, what does?
Where's your solid evidence?
The evidence clearly indicates that IBM would be a better steward for
Java than Sun.