Re: JSpinner + SpinnerDateModel not working as expected

"Michael Dunn" <>
Sun, 7 May 2006 21:54:14 +1000
"Matthias Kaeppler" <> wrote in message news:e3kcli$7rt$01$


I want to perform a supposedly simple (?) task:
I need the client to select a timespan in which a certain taks is to be performed. Therefore, I
have create 4 JSpinners with SpinnerDateModelS, in order to let the user select a start date, a
start time, an end date and an end time.

Of course, I want the Spinners to roll the date according to its displayed granularity, e.g. in
the date fields by DAY_OF_MONTH and in the time fields by MINUTE.

However, regardless to which value I set the calendarField attribute of the SpinnerDateModelS,
when spinning the dates/times with the spinners, the unit is always DAY_OF_MONTH.

If I manually check the amount of change performed by getPreviousValue() and getNextValue() (which
I suppose are called when someone spins the field?!), then the amount of change is correct (that
means as indicated by calendarField).

How come? Where is the logic in having a field to specify the amount of change of one spin, when
it is simply ignored when I actually spin the field? Ain't the getPreviousValue() and
getNextValue() called by the JSpinner change listeners?


bit of info in this thread from a few days ago (link might wrap)

you can dummy up a workaround, by setting the caret position to the field you want,
but setting the caretPosition doesn't work on its own
also doesn't work wrapped in a SwingUtilities.invokeLater()
but does work using a timer.

simple demo

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.util.*;
class Testing extends JFrame
  public Testing()
    final JSpinner spinner = new JSpinner (new SpinnerDateModel(new
    spinner.setEditor (new JSpinner.DateEditor(spinner,"hh:mm:ss"));
    ActionListener al = new ActionListener(){
      public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
    javax.swing.Timer timer = new javax.swing.Timer(200,al);

  public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);}

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