Re: An Executor-like structure providing more than threads

Lew <>
Sun, 17 Jan 2010 09:52:25 -0500
Steven Simpson wrote:

On 17/01/10 01:11, Tom Anderson wrote:

What if the resource needed to perform a task, the thing you wanted to
maintain a limited pool of, reuse, and provide shared access to, was
more than a Thread?

[...] But i really wanted to be able to use all the cool stuff in
ExecutorService, like getting Futures and having orderly shutdown, and
a properly controllable thread pool and so on. So what i did was
subclass Thread to add the other bits (the HttpClient and so on), and
then, in the tasks, do something like:


Would a ThreadLocal<HttpClient> be appropriate?

My noion based on the question and some of the answers given is that the
Runnable or Callable running from the thread pool should instantiate a client
locally from the separate client pool. It won't need 'ThreadLocal' because
the client reference will already be local. The tangle comes from the idea
that the client must be associated with the thread at construction of the
thread. I propose that the client be acquired in the run method of the thread.

I am not fond of 'ThreadLocal'; I'm not a fan of global objects generally.


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