Re: How to send console progress information to gui

Robert Klemme <>
Tue, 21 May 2013 03:22:27 -0700 (PDT)
On Thursday, May 2, 2013 9:05:08 PM UTC+2, Daniel Pitts wrote:

You would start a thread to read the data out of the InputStream (which
you need to do anyway to make a Process work as expected). The thread
reading the data could send an event anywhere. If you are updating a UI
thread, I suggest the following approach: will read from InputStream, and when newline
happens, call "progressUpdated" on a list of Listeners.

Create an abstract EventQueueProgressListener implementation.
progressUpdated in this impl will be final, and will pass a Runnable to
the EventQueue, which then calls a different abstract method
(handleProgressUpdated maybe?). That way, you're thread-safe on the EDT
for UI updates.

There is SwingWorker for such things.

You still need an additional thread since there are two streams to read from (alternatively use a Selector from NIO).

Kind regards


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