Re: Learning Networking - Suggestions/Help

"Oliver Wong" <>
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 16:01:14 GMT
"MoogleGunner" <> wrote in message

For a project I am working on, I am trying to learn internet
networking, unfortunatly, its proving to be nothing less than a huge
amount of confusion, and I think I just don't have enouh basic
knowledge to actually understand whats causing errors. I am trying the
Custom Networking trail from the Java Tutorials, but none of their
example programs actually work for me. For example, I had begun trying
to get their EchoClient program to run, using the latest NetBeans.
Unfortunatly, I cannot actually get it to work on any computer I know,
my own computer, and my fathers blcok the connection, nad others that I
know via the internet time out.

Thus, I have to conclude that the official tutoriiual just doesn't
contain enough information to help me. Does anyone have any suggestions
or links to better places ot learn htese things, or even books?

    Can you give us some information on your background in terms of
programming skills? Have you done Hello World in Java? Interactive text
programs? GUI programs? Multithreaded programs? Do you know any other
programming languages? If so, what kind of projects have you done in them?

    When you say "it doesn't work", can you give more details? If you get an
error message, please repeat it exactly (don't paraphrase it).

    - Oliver

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