Re: Nesting classes

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Wed, 13 Sep 2006 21:40:31 -0400
Tanveer wrote:

In C++, it is always possible to have one class nested inside other or
for that matter, a data structure nested inside other data structure.
Something like:

class A
      struct A1
             char a[10];
             char b[10];
       } a1;
      struct A2
             char a2[10];
             char b2[10];
       } a2;


What i am struggling with is, i am searching for similar representation
for a java class.
I tried doing it as:

public class Temp
   class A1
       public String a1;
       public String b1;
   class A2
       public String a2;
       public String b2;


This gets compiled but what i see is n no. of .java files get generated

This behavior is coming as a surprise package to me.
I agree i dont't know much of java and am a begineer in this.

I think you mean that the compiler generates:


1) Since Temp2 also can have an A1 and A2, then that naming
    convention actually makes sense.

2) You should not worry too much about the class files generated - it
    will work when you run your code.

3) Seriously I think you should consider your usage of nested

    It is a rare used feature in Java.

    Use packages to structure your code.


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