Re: how to read a .txt file

Lew <>
Thu, 11 Jan 2007 19:35:30 -0500
<> wrote:

how to read a .txt file?

John W. Kennedy wrote:

Depending on your needs, either:

  BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(...));
  for (;;) {
     String line = reader.readLine();
     if (line == null) break;


  Scanner scanner = new Scanner(...);
  while (scanner.hasNext()) {
     int i = scanner.nextInt(); // or whatever

Or you could use the java.nio package and open a channel to read into a
buffer, probably a CharBuffer but needs vary.

Andrew had the best suggestion: study the I/O (and, I venture to say also the
NIO) tutorials.

Standard sources like these tutorials are likeliest to have been proofread, to
contain examples you can use, to be (relatively) free of wrong-headedness and
the arrogant presumption that the respondent is competent, and to avoid other
ills that might beset the Usenet querent.



- Lew

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