Re: The Most optimized way to do this
On May 29, 9:27 pm, weetat <> wrote:
Hi all,
I am using jdom to read xml data from 1000 xml file and extract the
data , and update to our MYSQL database.
I am using servlet to call jdom and do the job in the Tomcat servlet
container in Linux Server.
The extraction of data from xml is ok. However , i need some advice
from experts or people who have done this before.
What is the best way to extract the data and insert to the
database ?
I have thinking using batch insert to do this . Create a bean using
set() to set all xml data and store the bean in the Collection.
And iterate the collection and using get() to get xml data and
insert to database using batch method.
Anyone have any other suggestion or ideas?
Wee Tat
Do what is easiest first. If it is too slow, then optimize. If you
optimize too soon, you're likely to create code that is less
maintainable, and therefor harder to optimize in the future. Oh, and
only optimize after you've run a profiler to tell you what part of
your program is slow, never guess or assume.