Re: Java (android) socket reconnection

Daniele Futtorovic <>
Sun, 09 Dec 2012 19:07:36 +0100
On 09/12/2012 17:26, artik allegedly wrote:

My whole code looks like. I have to use to threads due to manage obtaining data from server too. Could You look at it in free time and tell me what's wrong?

<snip />


Below you'll find a bunch of code relating to your issues. It is not
intended to be usable as such, but rather to give you some ideas about
how you /could/ organise things, as well as addressing some of the
problems your original code has, notably, as pointed out by Eric, the
synchronisation issues. You tried to manage those with timers, but
that's hardly ever a good idea.

A couple of points:
 1. Don't use tabs in source code. Configure your IDE to convert tabs to
spaces. Four spaces per indent level is the standard.
 2. Avoid mixing GUI code and back-end code. Build a model, and then use
that model in the GUI code.
 3. *ENCAPSULATE*! In your code, you shared the underlying objects (the
socket, the writer), then built structures on top of them (the
Runnables), and tried to orchestrate those structures via manipulation
of the underlying objects. That's the wrong way to go. Rather, you
should define layers of complexity: the bottom-most, then the first,
second, third, etc., layer. A piece of layer N should only ever interact
with other pieces of layer N, or with pieces of layer N-1, but never
further than that -- never with N-2. It's N-1's responsibility to
interact with N-2. I don't know if that's clear enough, but it's the
best explanation I can come up for now. And it's very important if you
want to build clean software.
 4. When catching an InterruptedException, always, always call
Thread.currentThread().interrupt() in the catch block.
 5. As a side-note, whenever transmitting text, beware of charset
encodings. I've highlighted this in the code example by specify the
UTF-8 charset. Unless you have a server that can't talk UTF-8, this is
what you should always do.

package scratch;

import java.nio.channels.SocketChannel;

public class ConnectionsExample {

    public static interface Connector
    extends Closeable
        Writer getWriter() throws IOException;

        void reset();

    public static class Poller
    implements Runnable
        private final Connector
        private final long

        public Poller(Connector connector, long sleepTime) {
            this.connector = connector;
            this.sleepTime = sleepTime;

        public void run() {
            System.err.println("Entering poller");

            for( ; ! Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted(); ){
                try {
                    Writer w = connector.getWriter();

                    w.write("TEST DATA\n");
                catch ( IOException ioex ){
                    System.err.println("Polling failed: ");

                try {
                catch ( InterruptedException iex ){

            System.err.println("Exiting poller");

            try {
            catch ( IOException ioex ){
                System.err.println("Could not close connector");

    public static Connector createConnector( final String address, final
int port ){
        return new Connector(){
            private Socket socket;
            private Writer writer;
            private boolean disposed = false;

            public synchronized Writer getWriter()
                throws IOException
                if( disposed ){
                    throw new IOException( "Connector is closed" );

                if( socket != null && ! socket.isClosed() ){
                    assert writer != null;
                    return writer;
                else if( ! socket.isClosed() ){
                    try {
                    catch ( IOException ioex ){
                        System.err.println("Could not close old socket:");

                SocketChannel sc;
                try {
                    System.err.printf( "Opening connection to: %s:%d%n",
address, port );
                    sc =
                        new InetSocketAddress(address, port)
                catch ( IOException ioex ){
                    throw new IOException(
                        String.format("Could not open connection to
%s:%d. Will retry later.", address, port),

                this.socket = sc.socket();
                this.socket.setSoLinger(true, 1);
                this.writer = new BufferedWriter(
OutputStreamWriter(this.socket.getOutputStream(), "UTF-8") //XXX mind
the charset!!

                return this.writer;

            private synchronized void closeSocket( boolean dispose )
                throws IOException
                try {
                    if( socket != null ){
                finally {
                    if( dispose ) this.disposed = true;

            public void reset() {
                try {
                    closeSocket( false );
                catch ( IOException ioex ){
                    System.err.println("Could not reset connector:");

            public void close() throws IOException {
                closeSocket( true );

    public static Runnable createPoller( String address, int port, long
pollDelay ){
        Connector c = createConnector( address, port );
        return new Poller( c, pollDelay );

    public static void createAndStartPoller( String address, int port,
long pollDelay ){
        Runnable poller = createPoller( address, port, pollDelay );
        Thread t = new Thread( poller );
        t.setDaemon( true );


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