Re: Page Orientation

 Sarath <>
Mon, 18 Jun 2007 00:30:24 -0700
On Jun 16, 12:49 am, "David Ching" <>

"Sarath" <> wrote in message

Is it possible to set page Orientation with CHtmlView class while
Printing? If yes how?

I've not used CHtmlView, but I have printed in landscape mode from an
embedded CWebBrowser2 control... for this to work I used an "IE print
template" that you can read about from these articles (google them):

 Beyond Print Preview: Print Customization for Internet Explorer 5.5 by
Chuck Ainslie
 Print Preview 2: The Continuing Adventures of Internet Explorer 5.5 Print
Customization by Chuck Ainslie

This actually was quite involved to write a print template, but the above
articles had samples. I had to extend the samples to support landscape
mode. To use the print template, the code was:

void CViewPopupHtml::PrintTemplate (DWORD nCmdId)
    // Can't use m_wb.ExecWB() because we need to specify the command group
    // to be CGID_MSHTML. Must get down and dirty with COM:
    LPDISPATCH lpDispatch = m_wb.GetDocument(); // m_wb is the
CWebBrowser2 control
    if (lpDispatch)
        LPOLECOMMANDTARGET lpOleCommandTarget = NULL;
        HRESULT hResult =
lpDispatch->QueryInterface(IID_IOleCommandTarget,(void **)
        if (SUCCEEDED(hResult))
            // Print template support should be supported by browser
            ASSERT (m_bPrintTemplate);

            VARIANT vTemplatePath;
            V_VT(&vTemplatePath) = VT_BSTR;
            CStringW strPrintTemplate (_T("IEPrintTemplate.htm")); //
print template is stored in "IEPrintTemplate.htm"
            V_BSTR(&vTemplatePath) = SysAllocString (strPrintTemplate);
            hResult = lpOleCommandTarget->Exec (&CGID_MSHTML, nCmdId,
                        OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER, &vTemplatePath, NULL);



-- David

Thanks for your reply.

Actually I left it after trying CWebBrowser Control. I will try this

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