Re: Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 8 Apr 2008 11:14:30 -0700

I think we have different experiences here. I find getting content online
using Google runs much faster than starting help in the IDE. I guess this
is one time where you stand up for the IDE and I find it more difficult :o)
Of course, I mostly work right here from my desk and seldom go anywhere that
doesn't have internet access. Could be a lifestyle choice.


"Joseph M. Newcomer" <> wrote in message

The community content is useless if I can't download it onto my machine.
It does not help
me if I am at 35,000 feet over the mid-Atlantic, in a motel room, in class
teaching, and
many other places where Internet connectivity is not available (many
hotels have free
Internet, but many do not).

I should be able to, once a day or once a week, do a "download community
content" and get
it. Otherwise, it does me no good.

It is also far too slow to get to the online content compared to local

On Tue, 8 Apr 2008 18:09:01 +0200, "Giovanni Dicanio"

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