Re: Where does LBN_SELCHANGE goes?

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 27 Mar 2007 22:34:16 -0700
I don't use listboxes much (you may be better off with a CListCtrl using the
OnCustomDraw() function), but if I were attempting this I'd start by
overriding the DrawItem() function rather than trying to do any drawing code
inside of an LBN_SELCHANGE handler.

If you do need to override that function, you may have to send the message
to the parent yourself. I seem to be asking this a lot, but maybe you could
post part of your code so we could see what you are doing.


"daicamad" <> wrote in message

Ok I subclass CListBox, and handle OnLbnSelchange() from there.
However, I think by doing so, I did not receive LBN_SELCHANGE on its
parent dialog. The wizard create for me ON_LBN_SELCHANGE, but the
function is never called!!!

The weird thing happen that, when I use Spy to check out the parent
dialog, it did receive LBN_SELCHANGE in the WM_COMMAND, just like the
doc say!!!

I need to handle OnLbnSelchange() in my custom CListBox for drawing,
but I also need to handle ON_LBN_SELCHANGE to work with data. The
custom CListBox is reused whereelse, so I cannot handle data in it.

Uh.. can anyone recommend anything? Perhap handle something else?

(I tried ON_NOTIFY(LVN_ITEMCHANGED...), but nothing happen)


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