RE: accessing m_lpCmdLine (or GetCommandLine())

=?Utf-8?B?cm9kcmVhbQ==?= <>
Sat, 14 Jul 2007 18:38:03 -0700
Here is my stub code.

// simple macro to handle errors
#define SIGNAL_ERROR() { bError = TRUE; __leave; }
// align pointer
#define ALIGN_DWORD(x) ( (x & 0xFFFFFFFC) ? (x & 0xFFFFFFFC) + sizeof(DWORD)
: x )
#define BLOCK_ADDRESS (LPVOID)0x00020498

BOOL GetProcessCmdLine(HANDLE hProcess, LPWSTR lpszCmdLine)
    LPBYTE lpBuffer = NULL;
    LPBYTE lpPos = NULL; // offset from the start of the buffer
    DWORD dwBytesRead;
    SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo;
    BOOL bError = FALSE;

    __try {
        // Get the system page size by using GetSystemInfo()
        GetSystemInfo ( &sysinfo );
        // allocate one on the heap to retrieve a full page
        // of memory
        lpBuffer = (LPBYTE)malloc ( sysinfo.dwPageSize );
        if ( lpBuffer == NULL )
            SIGNAL_ERROR ();

        // first of all, use VirtualQuery to get the start of the memory
        // block
        if ( VirtualQueryEx ( hProcess, BLOCK_ADDRESS, &mbi, sizeof(mbi) ) == 0 )
            SIGNAL_ERROR ();

        // read memory begining at the start of the page
        // after that, we know that the env strings block
        // will be 0x498 bytes after the start of the page
        if ( !ReadProcessMemory ( hProcess, mbi.BaseAddress, (LPVOID)lpBuffer,
                                  sysinfo.dwPageSize, &dwBytesRead ) )
             SIGNAL_ERROR ();

        // now we've got the buffer on our side of the fence.
        // first, lpPos points to a string containing the current directory
        /// plus the path.
        lpPos = lpBuffer + ((DWORD)BLOCK_ADDRESS - (DWORD)mbi.BaseAddress);
        lpPos = lpPos + ( GetUnicodeStringLength((LPWSTR)lpPos, MAX_PATH ) + 1) *
        // now goes full path an filename, aligned on a DWORD boundary
        // skip it
        lpPos = (LPBYTE)ALIGN_DWORD((DWORD)lpPos);
        lpPos = lpPos + (GetUnicodeStringLength((LPWSTR)lpPos, MAX_PATH) + 1) *

        // hack: Sometimes, there will be another '\0' at this position
        // if that's so, skip it
        if ( *lpPos == '\0' ) lpPos += sizeof(WCHAR);
        // now we have the actual command line
        // copy it to the buffer

        wcsncpy ( lpszCmdLine, (LPWSTR)lpPos, MAX_PATH);
        // make sure the path is null-terminted
        lpszCmdLine[MAX_PATH-1] = L'\0';
    __finally {
        // clean up
        if ( lpBuffer != NULL ) free ( lpBuffer );
        printf("GetProcessCmdLine Result : %d\n", bError ? FALSE : TRUE);
        return bError ? FALSE : TRUE;

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"Mark Grinnell" wrote:

We have an MFC application that was converted to run as a DLL extension to
another program. Instead of an MFC main loop we are using
to hook up our MFC code to the new app. The problem is that now
does not have the command line any more, just an empty string.

Additionally (and I posted this part to win32.programmer.kernel as well)
GetCommandLine() is not returning the command line string either -- instead,
we get a buffer with each (incorrectly parsed) argument followed by a null
terminator, and the last argument followed by a double null terminator.

Any suggestions for getting the real command line, as we used to get in

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