Excel in a browser control

Thu, 16 Oct 2008 02:01:05 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all,

I want to be able to use excel for editing spreadsheets in my
application made with c++ 6.0.
The only catch is that the xls-file is stored in a database, so first
file is saved to the temp folder, and after that the user can start
the excel sheet. After editing the file some values has to be
collected from
certain cells and the xls file has to be saved in the database again.
I have
tried to do this some different ways, but havent managed to make it
work as
it should.

 1. Start excel with the spreadsheet as a parameter. In this case I
use a fomula one component to read the values that I want.
Problems: I don't know when the user is finished. The user might
change the
excel version of the file making it unreadable to formula one.

2. Excel automation.
The samples that I have seen are more like excel exports. Create an
sheet and save it. No window is displayed.
Problem. I would want to let the user edit the excel sheet. I want to
when the user is finished so that I can extract my values before

3. Excel in a browser control. See sample in C++.net at:

Problem: Can't translate the code below to that makes sure that the
excel file
and the excel process is closed:
private void webBrowser1_Navigated(object
sender,WebBrowserNavigatedEventArgs e)
    // Creation of the workbook object
    // Create the Excel.Application
[DllImport("ole32.dll")] static extern int GetRunningObjectTable
                (uint reserved,out IRunningObjectTable pprot);
[DllImport("ole32.dll")] static extern int CreateBindCtx(uint
IBindCtx pctx);

public Workbook RetrieveWorkbook(string xlfile)
        IRunningObjectTable prot=null;
        IEnumMoniker pmonkenum=null;
            IntPtr pfetched=IntPtr.Zero;
            // Query the running object table (ROT)
            if(GetRunningObjectTable(0,out prot)!=0||prot==null)
            prot.EnumRunning(out pmonkenum); pmonkenum.Reset();
            IMoniker[] monikers=new IMoniker[1];
                IBindCtx pctx; string filepathname;
                CreateBindCtx(0,out pctx);
                 // Get the name of the file
                 // Clean up
                 // Search for the workbook
                     object roval;
                     // Get a handle on the workbook
                     prot.GetObject(monikers[0],out roval);
                     return roval as Workbook;
             return null;
             // Clean up
             if(prot!=null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(prot);
             if(pmonkenum!=null) Marshal.ReleaseComObject(pmonkenum);
         return null;
protected override void OnClosed(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Quit Excel and clean up.
        MessageBox.Show("Failed to close the application");

All help in this matter is greatly appritiated!

Mathias H=E5kanssson
Consultec ByggProgram AB

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