Re: Derived Dialog Does Not Work, am I doing it wrong?

"Scott McPhillips [MVP]" <org-dot-mvps-at-scottmcp>
Sat, 12 Jan 2008 09:01:26 -0500
"rockdale" <> wrote in message

My coworker said it is because I can only pass in one IDD the the very
base class CPropertyPage (and finally CWnd I think), that's why I can
not archieve what I am trying to do.

I do not believe that you can not do a sample inheritance like this in
MFC, am I missing something here or it is an immposible mission that I
have to use the stupid way, create 20-ish tabpages that have the
exactly left area and copy the member functions definition and
implementation to each cpp file?

You coworker is correct. A dialog has only one dialog ID and there is no
inheritance of dialog templates.

You can do this with code, but not inheritance, by creating a second dialog
as a child of your pages. Every page would be unique and use a unique
template for its unique controls. Every page would also create a second
(modeless) dialog that contains the common controls. (The child dialog
would have its titlebar style turned off, which makes it visually merge into
the parent dialog.) When creating composite dialogs like this use
WM_EX_CONTROLPARENT to get the focus to move correctly between the
individual dialogs.

Scott McPhillips [VC++ MVP]

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