Re: Accelerators don't work when focus is inside a common control

"AliR" <AliR@online.nospam>
Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:30:43 -0500
You shouldn't have to catch anything in the edit control to get this

What I was asking is where are the ON_COMMAND message handlers for the id's
in the accelerator table.

If they are in a particular view for instance, then won't be called if the
focus is in a different type view.

If that's not the case then let me know exactly where your ON_COMMANDs are
and I'll try to recreate your problem.


"si" <> wrote in message

AliR wrote:

In what class are the message handlers for the accelerators. MainFrame,
ChildFrame or one of the views?


Well, acclerators were loaded for the main frame. But after I have
removed code that loads them and process them in the
MainFrame::PreTranslateMessage, accelerators still work.
So they are part of the framework or app wizard generated code.

But they stop working when one of the controls in my "search panel"
(CWnd derived class) gets focused.

I tried to catch all WM_COMMAND messages in my CEdit derived class and
send them to the main frame for processing.
But it looks like CEdit does not receive any WM_COMMAND messages or
there is something wrong with my code:

SIEdit::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) {

if (LOWORD(pMsg->message) == WM_COMMAND) {



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